Thursday, April 21, 2005

love in an elevator.

tHiRd WhEeL. this morning i had an interesting ride in the elevator. as usual, it was packed when i got on. and, as usual for a thursday morning when i come to the office straight from the bikram yoga studio, i get more than one curious look from my fellow riders who don't seem to be able to understand me, my soaking wet hair, and the array of bags i've got hanging off of my limbs. and, as is also usual, the majority of the crowd exits on the first couple of stops we make. leaving just a guy who works for the hedge fund on the 31st floor, a girl who works for dolby on the 32nd floor, and me. clearly, homeboy has decided this is privacy enough to commence flirting with little miss 32nd floor. or perhaps i should say to resume, because it is clear from his opening line that they've had conversations in elevators before. he specifically opens by asking her about her new position. she is surprised (and impressed) he remembers. by the way - she is really liking the step up, though a little tired of training the new girl, and wishing this week would pass quickly because the new girl is away and so she is covering for her, which she is anxious to be done with (in case you care). she clearly remembers less from their last interaction so needs to take a step back and ask him, "wait, who do you work for again?" he tells her about the hedge fund on the 31st floor. some flirtatious banter ensues about whether or not they hear the ruckus the dolby folks make right above them on the 32nd floor. ha ha ha. cute cute cute. meanwhile, i'm stuck in the corner on the other side of the elevator trying to blend into the stainless steel panel of buttons and go unnoticed. which actually doesn't seem to be a problem because neither of them even acknowledges my existence. talk about being the third wheel.
but, i think, aside from having a few minutes of total awkwardness while i had to just stand there, not more than a few inches away from these two, while they had their moment, i may have witnessed the start of something this morning. that's kind of sweet. for them. but what about me? when the hell is it my turn?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I can top that...I've had to endure listening to email flirting for the past month. This is what happens when in a group of four friends, 1 guy & 3 girls, one girl breaks up with her boyfriend.

It makes me nauseous.

3:51 PM  

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