Friday, April 27, 2007

april showers are one thing, an april monsoon season is quite another...

sPrInGtiMe iN nEw YoRk. it's like an abusive relationship. most of the time it is tempestuous and rocky and you find yourself wondering "wait! how did it get like this? i mean, it was so nice yesterday, i was the happiest i'd ever been...what happened? what changed? what went wrong?" just when i was starting to buy into mother nature's apology for so much cold, wet and windy weather, just when i was starting to look at my calendar and believe it actually was the end of april and that may begins next week......the temperature plummeted, and the rain began. again. and as i trudged to the subway station with my umbrella in hand and wearing a winter jacket, and made yet another leap over the giant puddle that collects right at the landing of the stairs at the subway entrance, i found myself begging for forgiveness, asking for an end to the rain, promising to be deserving of warmer temperatures and sunny skies........and so the cycle goes......................but seriously, enough is enough, right? if i had kids or a car i'd pack up and go, i swear, but i don't. and i won't. and i wouldn't have anyway. i'll just deal with cold wet feet. and keep waiting for the sun.


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