Thursday, July 07, 2005

WARNING: shameless plugging of cute designs by a good friend.

dArLiNg nIkKi. so there's this super cute, marathon running, red sox loving, christmas display window designing, crafty as all hell chick down on the lower east side. she also happens to be my friend, the wife of my friend gregg, and the girl who got me hooked on alias (i suppose she could have gotten me hooked on worse things, like heroin or crack for instance). anyway, she has finally decided to put her skills and craftiness to work and is in the process of launching darling nikki designs. kids, take it from me, check out her stuff while you can still afford it. coming off of a successful stint at the renegade craft fair in brooklyn in june, she has two pieces for sale on etsy, an ebay of sorts for the artsy-craftsy set:

and, as further evidence of her genius, check out the purse i commissioned her to make for my friend's birthday:

and she's just a really cool girl. so check her stuff out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwww shucks. that's me.

9:03 PM  

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