thursday thoughts.
bLamE iT oN tHe raIn. it turns out it's all my fault that we had a sneaky spring snow storm yesterday. if you don't believe me, ask my boss.
iS tHerE a LeSsoN hEre? thursday morning, that means 6:45am bikram yoga on the lower east side. so it turns out that i am really good at awkward pose. hmmm. wonder what that says?
tHe aStRonOmEr's tRiAngLe. go see this play. find out more about it at
aLL pOiNts bUlLeTiN. missing: my memory from last saturday night after roughly 2am. last seen: between dance floor and beer pong in bushwick. main suspect: mystery shot from gift bottle of corazon tequila from guy at tattoo parlor. if found: please return to me.
lEt mE dOwN geNtLy. for all you fellow friendster users, i have some questions about the nature of the activity partner relationship. is it okay to say to a friend, "look this just isn't working out between us, can we just be activity partners? i mean, i enjoy playing scrabble with you, we can keep doing that, maybe we can even go to a movie or a show or something sometime, but i just don't think we should be friends anymore. let's just stick to 'activities'. it's best for both of us."
I saw your memory from last Saturday. It was gallivanting around town with my memory from last Saturday. I tried to catch up with them and hang out for a while. I thought I might be able to learn a thing or two. But they both gave me the finger and ran away.
well, that does sound like something my memory would do.
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